How Long Do Racquetball Balls Last?

by | Apr 13, 2022 | Balls, Tips

With only a few pieces of equipment required and easy playing steps, racquet sports are not only easy but cost-effective. But determining how long the top racquetball balls can last is challenging to conclude.

As a player, however, it’s essential to be picky with the equipment like the finest racquets, gloves, balls, or shoes of your choice. Though not entirely, your win relies on your equipment’s quality.

All that said, it’s your responsibility as a player to know your racquetball’s lifespan and when you will need a replacement.

The big question: what’s the lifespan of a racquetball ball? How long do they last? Do they have a lifespan like good racquets?

The short answer is: it depends. Overall, this guide details each variable involved in the longevity of a racquetball.

What is Racquetball

Racquetball is all about hitting the ball within the first bounce, just like squash, handball, and tennis. It is a sport that involves a ball, racquets, two players, and, of course, a playing court with a wall.

Racquetball balls are hollow balls whose diameter is 2.25 inches long. They are mainly made of rubber. Because of the bouncy material, its movement suits the wood court.

The average weight of a racquetball is 40 grams. This one is lighter than other sports balls in tennis, golf, and polo. And you should not use a tennis ball or opt to play racquetball with a tennis racquet or another sport.

When choosing a racquetball, there are many factors to consider:

  • A long-lasting ball is a priority in every sport. This article has the best guide on selecting a durable racquetball
  • Ensure the ball has enough cushioning. You would want to suffer from arm fatigue when playing in long rallies.
  • The ball should have a solid feel and give excellent control.

Racquetball Balls Color: What Do Racquetball Colors Mean

Few people know that the color of a racquetball increases its lifespan. Racquetballs come in a variety of colors. The colors not only serve as an attractive aspect but also have practical goals.

Each racquetball color has its significance. It helps in visualizing and distinguishing the balls in a court.

Let’s see what racquetball color fits your skill and experience level and your choice of playing ground.

Blue Racquetballs

Blue racquetballs are the most commonly used. They have medium speed, so they are fit for inexperienced players and recreational purposes. Furthermore, they last a long time and have predictable bounces.

Green Racquetballs

Unlike blue racquetballs, green racquetballs have more speed. When it comes to give and take, the green balls are faster.

The green racquetballs’ durability, speed, bounce, and visibility make them perfect for both indoor and outdoor racquetball. But they are similar in instability and prediction to the blue ones.

With all these characteristics, green racquetballs are perfect for fast rallies. That explains why the USA made these balls the official color for racquetball.

Black Racquetballs

Long rallies use black racquetballs because of their limited speed and bounce. The good thing is that they last longer since they don’t need a hard hit.

These balls fit beginners and older people. Why? They give more timely responses and are not over-exhausted.

Purple Racquetballs

These are the best-performing balls in the big leagues. They are familiar with seniors and tournaments.

Due to their high speed, they are perfect for indoor courts and competitive sports. They are so energetic with powerful bounces.

They are not as long-lasting as the previously mentioned colors, but the hard hits and high speed don’t allow them to wear out quickly. However, that’s not an issue for tournaments. The custom is a new ball for a new match.

Red Racquetballs

Red is a bright color. That means red racquetballs are visible in any light, hence ideal for outdoor games.

Seasoned players prefer them for their fast speed. Their high rates cannot fit to play indoors since the red ball and the white walls will make the vision blurry.

Pink Racquetballs

They are as fast as the red racquetballs but have better invisibility. The pink color is not a common one in racquetball. I would advise a beginner to reconsider before bringing one to a match.

Before you look down on the color, it is the official ball for the tournament tours for ladies. Some seniors prefer them for their balanced performance and extra visibility.

Multi-colored Racquetballs

Like the pink racquetballs, it is rare to find a multi-colored racquetball. Their two colors make them far more visible compared to other colors.

Multi-colored racquetballs are fit for outdoor and indoor games, no matter the lighting.

a flying Racquetball player hitting Racquetball

How Important Is Racquetball Ball Freshness

How bouncy a racquetball is depended on the freshness level. That’s why when you purchase a racquetball; it’s usually packed in pressurized containers. It’s worth knowing that the bounce also depends on the string quality in addition to how the racquet’s string is installed.

The containers are designed with airtight seals so that the balls do not expose to the atmosphere. Once the racquetball comes into contact with the atmosphere, it slowly loses its freshness.

But why is racquetball freshness so important?

For recreational players, freshness doesn’t necessarily affect how to play. As a competitive player, racquetball freshness is something to be concerned about for effective play. It applies to a beginner, as a bouncy ball with good texture is all you should start with.

If you are used to playing with bouncy racquetballs, they affect your technique once they lose their freshness. That said, racquetball balls should boost your style, not ruin it.

So, if you want to improve in racquet, it’s wise to have fresh racquetball as your company. Otherwise, older racquetballs result to having poor techniques.

Are Racquetballs Pressurized

There is no point in pressurizing a racquetball. It goes flat and becomes less bouncy, though. Ensure the racquetball is sealed before purchase to avoid getting a flat racquetball.

As a player, when you get a cheap racquetball, what probably comes to your mind is, “Do they go bad easily?”

There is nothing as frustrating as purchasing a ball and later finding it is not bouncy. It’s worth noting that sealed racquetballs are usually fresh.

In the case of a broken seal, the freshness slowly fades away such that it’s hard to notice right away. You would consider testing the balls’ bounce every 20 minutes.

The air can be sealed permanently, containing sufficient pressure to freshen the ball. If you unseal the can, the ball will become unreliable even before you use it.

That’s why players carry with them two air cans. One is for warm-ups and the other for tournament competitions.

How Long Do Racquetball Balls Last

A player needs to use equipment whose conditions are at their best in every sport. That goes no less for racquetball. Besides the best conditions, the racquetballs have to work well.

Since most playing equipment doesn’t last forever, how long do racquetballs last?

The lifespan of a racquetball depends on various factors.

Playing Frequency

How often do you play? It will be long since you start seeing your ball wearing out if it’s less frequent.

If you take several hours for several days a week, your ball will wear out more frequently.

Experience Level and Hitting Power

How you handle your ball has an impact on its longevity. Experienced players hit racquetballs harder than beginners. As a result, hard hits lower the lifespan of your ball. 

Racquetball’s Life Span

As previously mentioned, the various racquetball colors have different levels of durability.

Balls with high speed, like purple racquetballs, will require a replacement after every match or a few more. Contrastingly, other colors like black and green are designed to last longer.

If you notice a bouncing fade, you might consider replacing your ball after three to five matches. But if you prefer not to purchase balls every now and then, you can use them until the texture is hard to feel.

If it’s hard to feel the texture, check whether the logo has faded. An invisible logo signals a replacement is needed.

A free piece of advice is always to carry spare racquetballs for every match and practice.

When to Replace a Racquetball

In most cases, people tend to replace items when they break. This rule is one of the most common mistakes most racquet players make when applying to racquetballs. If a racquetball wears till it breaks, the quality of the ball is still in question.

One of the gameplay keys is a racquetball with texture. It is the component that allows the ball to grip the floor and court walls.

You know your racquetball is old enough when the texture wears off. It gets smooth and no longer grips on the walls. Instead, it gets inconsistent and slides off.

When more than half of the ball’s texture wears off, it’s time to replace the racquetball. Besides, players should replace racquetballs that have lost their original bounciness.

preparing Racquetball Shoes to play


Are Racquetballs hollow?

Racquetballs are not only hollow but very squishy and bouncy. Why hollow rubber for racquetballs is because it’s the bounciest material. Racquetball courts don’t have nets for the balls to bounce over, like tennis and badminton.

Can you practice tennis on a racquetball court?

Yes. There is no harm in practicing tennis on a racquetball court. However, a tennis court is usually more significant than a racquetball court. When playing tennis on a racquetball court, there are higher chances of damaging the walls. So, each game should stick to its court.

Final Thoughts

I do not doubt that this guide answers the question of how long racquetball balls last. All that matters is to understand the lifespan to know when to replace a dead racquetball. If the bounce is no longer the same, it’s not helpful.